Copenhagen’s Stairway to Heaven: Everything You Need to Know for an Amazing Time

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Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, is filled with numerous architectural gems. From the colorful harbor of Nyhavn, where Hans Christian Andersen found inspiration, to the world-famous Tivoli Gardens, where whimsy and wonder come alive, Copenhagen offers many attractions that will leave you awe-inspired. And let’s not forget about the city’s remarkable museums, cutting-edge design scene, and thriving culinary landscape that will tantalize your taste buds. Not to forget about the cycling culture of the city. It is one of the cities in the world with the best cycling infrastructure. (After living in the Netherlands, I am so used to having nice bike lanes, and I will be terrified to bike in places that do not have proper bike lanes.)

Let’s get real. When planning to visit a city as mind-blowing as Copenhagen, you would want to see all the epic places there, especially during a short visit. So, make sure when planning your visit to this Danish wonderland there’s one place that’s gotta be on your radar: The Church of Our Saviour in Christianshavn.

Don’t be shocked that I am recommending a church as a hidden gem (Oh wait! It has a tall spire, so it may not be so much hidden, though, but definitely a gem), but there’s more to it. The church spire is more fondly called the Stairway to Heaven (for a reason).

If you had traveled across Europe, you probably would have visited a lot of cathedrals. Many of them let you climb their spire to see the city’s skyline. Maybe you are wondering if this name sounds like a tourist trap or a little over-exaggeration for a church spire. Then I would stop you from judging too quickly. This one will live up to your expectations. (Yes, I have climbed a few myself. I never leave an opportunity to enjoy great views.)

What Makes the Stairway to Heaven So Special?

The Church of Our Saviour is a baroque church located in Christianshavn in Copenhagen, Denmark. The church has a mesmerizing external spiral staircase that can be climbed. Although you need to climb 400 steep and narrow stairs, in the end, you will be rewarded with jaw-dropping views of central Copenhagen. Trust me, it’s like stepping into a fairy tale!

But that’s not all! This church is also home to the largest carillon in northern Europe. A carillon? It’s a musical instrument that consists of a bunch of bells that create heavenly melodies. And here’s the best part: these bells play enchanting tunes every hour from 8 am to midnight.

The History of the Church

Christianshavn, now a part of central Copenhagen, was initially planned to be an independent merchant’s town, and there was a plan to build a church for the town. Before the current day church, there was a temporary church inaugurated in 1639.

Later in 1682, the construction of the Church of Our Saviour with the design of Lambert van Haven began. The church’s spire (Stairway to Heaven) that we see today was not part of the original design and was not added until its opening in 1752. The King even climbed the spire during its opening ceremony.

How to Reach the Stairway to Heaven of Copenhagen?

This beauty is located right in the middle of the city. It is located in the Christianshavn neighborhood. You can reach Our Savior Church by just walking about 250m from the Christianshavn Metro station.

You have connectivity to the Christianshavn Metro station from most parts of Copenhagen. I have listed two popular routes which could help you.

From Copenhagen Airport

It will just take you around 11 minutes on the M2 metro line from Copenhagen Airport. You need to take the M2 going in the direction of Vanløse St. and get off at Christianshavn.

From Copenhagen Central

It will take you only around 15 minutes. Still, you must change at Nørreport to M1 or M2 line if you are taking the subway from the central station. The subway station is located a little outside the main central station, and you will find sign boards or use Google Maps.

You could also take the M3 or M4 line from Copenhagen Central to Kongens Nytorv, where you change lines to M1 or M2 that go to Christianshavn.

You could also just walk 2.5 km from Copenhagen Central to reach the Stairway to Heaven, which should take only about 30 minutes.

Why Timing Matters for Your Stairway to Heaven Experience

You might wonder, “Why all the fuss about timing when climbing a church spire? Can’t I just go whenever I want?”. Let me explain to you why this will be a terrible idea.

Imagine that you are only visiting Copenhagen for a day or two, and you really want to climb the Stairway to Heaven. You made sure to check the opening times provided in Google, and you found the place to be closed. Wouldn’t that be disappointing? I know it will be because it is what exactly happened to us during our visit.

On the day we landed in Copenhagen, it was during late winter, but it wasn’t snowing. We decided that we would just visit this one spot for the day before we got ourselves cozy in one of the Hyggelig cafes. We checked the place was to be open till 8 pm, and it was just around 4 pm, so we were pretty confident that we would be able to climb the Stairway to Heaven.

We came to the place, and we were surprised that there weren’t many people there, and then we went close by to check for the entrance only to be hit by a huge disappointment. The place had a big signboard saying it was closed for the day due to severe wind conditions.

The weather wasn’t even that bad; at least, that’s what I thought. But it had rained a little earlier during the day and was very windy, so it was closed. This made me realize why planning the visit was crucial, especially during winter.

What is the Best Time to Visit the Stairway to Heaven of Copenhagen?

I would definitely recommend that you plan your visit closer to the sunset and start ascending the external stairs during the golden hour.

The view is a spectacle that will ignite your senses and leave you breathless. Gaze upon the various towers adorning the palaces and churches that grace this city’s skyline. Bathed in the ethereal glow of the golden hour, they come alive, exuding a resplendent aura that captures the essence of Copenhagen’s architectural grandeur. The icing on the cake is the teal dome of Frederik’s Church, standing tall and proud, emerging as a radiant jewel amidst the horizon.

But, I have to also say that sunset visits might not always be possible because, depending on the season, the sunset timings change drastically. It could be as early as 3:40 pm to as late as 9:55 pm. The general opening hours are between 9:00 am till 8:00 pm.

This rules out the possibility of sunset visits during the summer as the sun sets around 9:00 to 10:00 pm. The best seasons to plan your sunset visit to climb the tower would be late winter to early spring or late fall to early winter. The chances of snow during peak winter are high, and the sky could more often be covered in clouds which takes the magic out of the sunset. (You wouldn’t be able to see a thing when the cloud cover is too thick.)

We visited during late winter at the end of February. As I told earlier, our first try to see the place was a failure, but we made sure to return, and we did on a much clearer evening. I badly wanted to visit during sunset. It was not by coincidence we got to experience sunset there.

Luckily, the sky was much clearer, making the visit more magical. We were glad we could not visit during our first attempt as it was pretty cloudy, and I am absolutely sure the sky wouldn’t have looked the same.

Essential Tips for Your Perfect Visit

  • Choose the right season. As the weather gets warmer, the crowd increases. As only a specific number of people can go up the tower in a given time, you might not be able to get a spot during the peak season. I suggest going in late fall or early spring. 
  • Check the weather forecast, and be more flexible with your plans so that you can move your visit a day or two earlier or later. The most common reasons for closure are strong winds, rain, and snow. The external staircase becomes narrower as you go up. They could be very slippery, and entry is restricted when the conditions are not ideal to prevent accidents.
  • If you have a clear day, book your time slot and get the tickets immediately.

Note! Entry is free for Copenhagen city card holders, but you must still book your slots online. You could also do it at the counter when you arrive, but you will be given slots based on availability.

  • Do not go very early, hoping you can just wait for the sunset. The staircase becomes narrower, and at the top, only if people return back, more people could go up. So you might be asked to leave if you are blocking the crowd.
  • Do not carry too much luggage, even if it is just a backpack. Just take the essentials and hold your camera or phone with the utmost care, as it could easily slip and fall when you are outside on the spire.
  • It could be a little scarier as you reach the top, so if you fear heights, this is absolutely not for you.

What is the Entry Fee for the Stairway to Heaven of Copenhagen?

Copenhagen could be a little expensive, but climbing the Stairway to Heaven won’t break the bank. Entry is free if you have the Copenhagen City Card. As of 2023, the ticket is 69 DKK for general visitors, which should cost about €10 per person.

Psst! Make sure to purchase your ticket and reserve a time slot online.

The view is also beautiful during the day, and you can enjoy different colors and views based on the season you visit. Whether or not you visit during sunset, this is an absolute must-do if you are visiting Copenhagen.

Let me know in the comments if you have visited Copenhagen’s Stairway to Heaven and how you enjoyed it. Feel free to reach out if you would like to know any more additional information about this place.

So, what do you plan to do next after ascending and enjoying the views from the Stairway to Heaven in Copenhagen? I would recommend going on a self-guided walking tour of Copenhagen. If you are on a budget, you could explore the best free things to do in Copenhagen. You could also go on a day trip to Malmö in Sweden from Copenhagen.

Kiki from RooKiExplorers posing in a field of pink hyacinths in the Netherlands.
The Face Behind the Post

Hey, I am Kiki! A full-time software developer and hardcore travel enthusiast who is always up for a new adventure and the author of RooKiExplorers. I love to travel the world and enjoy talking about it, helping everyone around me plan their trips, and avoiding making the mistakes I made.

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